해외 토막 뉴스

이코노미스트: 기후변화 북극곰

리더오브리더스 2019. 6. 23. 11:01
Repost @theeconomist
by @media.repost:

굶주림에, 북극에서부터 몇백마일 걸어서 북 시베리아의 산업도시 노릴스크까지 온 북극곰......

A starving polar bear has strayed hundreds of miles from its natural Arctic habitat and wandered, exhausted, into the Russian industrial city of Norilsk in northern Siberia. Photo taken on June 17th 2019. Credit: AFP/Irina Yarinskaya/Zapolyarnaya Pravda #polarbear #habitat #survival #animalwelfare #nature #Arctic #climatechange