해외 토막 뉴스
Repost @nytimes
by @media.repost:

Speaking at the Justice Department on Wednesday, Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, characterized for the first time his investigation of whether President Trump obstructed justice.
뮬러가 트럼프의 범죄행위여부를 조사한 결과에 대해 처음으로 입을 열었는데
“If we had had confidence the president did not commit a crime,” he said, “we would have said so.”
"대통령이 무죄라는 확신이 있었다면 그렇다고 말을 했을거다"
 He announced his retirement from the Justice Department and suggested that he was reluctant to testify before Congress. “The report is my testimony,” he said.
사임과 동시에 국회증언은 꺼려진다 말하며"보고서가 내 증언이다"
 @nytmills shot this photo. Read more at the link in our profile.