'겨울'에 해당되는 글 5건

해외 토막 뉴스

Repost @bbcnews
Herders in Lapland are struggling to locate thousands of reindeer that have run away, after warm weather left the food they graze on covered by a layer of ice.
=>라플란드에선 달아난 순록 수천마리 찾느라 고생 중

Some reindeer have travelled as far as 100km to the south, in search of ice-free lichen they can access under the snow.
=>일부는 남쪽으로 100km나 이동, 눈아래 얼지 않은 이끼를 찾아서

Herders are having to track them through the forests of northern Finland and Sweden, some even using helicopters.
=>순록찾느라 핀란드북부와 스웨덴 숲을 뒤지고 헬기도 동원

'해외 토막 뉴스' 카테고리의 다른 글

시칠리아 용오름  (0) 2021.11.28
두바이 인피니티풀  (0) 2021.11.22
개기일식, 코로나  (0) 2021.11.21
기린이 최고 좋아하는 간식  (0) 2021.11.19
홍학의 우정  (0) 2021.11.19
해외 토막 뉴스

Repost @nytimestravel
by @media.repost:

Are you brave enough? These bathers look cozy now at the Strawberry Park Hot Springs in Colorado, where the temperature of the water reaches 105 degrees. But for chills, they'll plunge into the icy river adjoining the pools or roll in snowbanks. These adult-only springs are also clothing optional after dark.
콜로라도 스트로베리 공원 온천 수온 105도(화씨). 더우면, 풀과 연결된 차가운 강물로 풍덩 혹은 눈밭에서 뒹굴. 이 어른전용온천은 일몰 후 수영복 착용은 (의무 아닌) 선택
Tap the link in bio for a guide to the laidback ski resort nearby, #SteamboatSprings. Words by @eglusac, photos by @cainedelacy.

해외 토막 뉴스

Repost @nytimestravel
by @media.repost:

Our writer, @amytarakoch, was looking for an alpine adventure. Then she heard about something wild — a “ski safari,” with multi-resort ski days and stays in family-run inns in the Italian Alps.
알파인 어드벤처
스키 사파리
멀티리조트 스키.
이탈리아 알프스 가족운영 여관     Tag along with her by clicking the link in our bio. Photo by @sw_photo.




해외 토막 뉴스

Repost @newyorkermag
by @media.repost:
In honor of New York City's first snowfall of the season, here's a collection of snowy covers, from 1956 to 2018. Stay warm, New York. #TNYcovers

뉴욕 첫눈 기념, 뉴요커매거진 관련 커버 2014년 2월호

해외 토막 뉴스

Repost @newyorkermag
by @media.repost:

Some of us are still catching up. #TNYcartoons

밀린 독서 중인 누군가,
"비밀인데, 사실 이거 지난 겨울부터 읽으려고 했던 거야." (반년 묵은 독서 ㅋㅋ)

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