Repost @bbcnews
"Never once did she think it was a real diamond."
A woman who bought what she thought was a costume jewellery stone is set for a £2 million windfall after tests revealed it is a 34-carat diamond.
=>"진짜 다이아몬드일 줄이야." 모조보석을 산 줄 알았던 여성이 34캐럿 다이아몬드라는 감정결과가 나온 후 2백만 파운드의 횡재를 맞았다.
Its owner, who is in her 70s, had been clearing her home in Northumberland, UK and took it to be valued, along with other items she had bought at car boot sales over many years.
=>70대인 소유자는 영국 노썸버랜드에 있는 자신의 집을 청소하다가, 수년간 벼룩시장에서 사 모은 다른 것들과 함께 보석감정을 받으러 갔다.
"The lady came in with a bag of jewellery as she just thought she would bring it in as she was passing because she had another appointment in the town,” said auctioneer Mark Lane. "It sat on my desk for two or three days until I used a diamond tester machine.
=>"보석 한 자루를 가지고 와서는, 근처에 약속이 있어서 왔다가 지나는 길에 들어왔다더라고요." 경매자 마크 레인이 말했다. "책상에 이삼일 뒀다가 다이아몬드 감정 기계로 감정해봤죠."
"We then sent it off to our partners in London before it was certified by experts in Antwerp, Belgium, who confirmed it is 34 carat."
=>"그러고 나서 런던에 있는 협력사에 보냈고, 그 다음에 벨기에 엔트워프 전문가들이 34캐럿이라고 확정했습니다."
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