해외 토막 뉴스

Repost @nytimestravel
by @media.repost:

Are you brave enough? These bathers look cozy now at the Strawberry Park Hot Springs in Colorado, where the temperature of the water reaches 105 degrees. But for chills, they'll plunge into the icy river adjoining the pools or roll in snowbanks. These adult-only springs are also clothing optional after dark.
콜로라도 스트로베리 공원 온천 수온 105도(화씨). 더우면, 풀과 연결된 차가운 강물로 풍덩 혹은 눈밭에서 뒹굴. 이 어른전용온천은 일몰 후 수영복 착용은 (의무 아닌) 선택
Tap the link in bio for a guide to the laidback ski resort nearby, #SteamboatSprings. Words by @eglusac, photos by @cainedelacy.